The road home is home. (Rumi)

Support the Poets!

A major inspiration for mounting, is the same motivation that led to the creation of The Road Home program – in 2002 - at CKUA in Alberta. Namely: celebrating the power of the poem. Yet, I’ve suggested to tread softly when telling friends about The Road: ‘Careful with the ‘p’ word! Maybe don’t even say’ poetry. Just call it ‘spoken word’. And I’m only half joking.

Our introduction to poetry in school is too often a painful experience. But on the Road Home we know that a poem can be - simply beautiful. Inspiring. Entertaining. A meaningful little moment - or a wrecking ball that knocks you into next week. A good poem can open us up: to insight, a little clarity, or at least some very sweet diversion. It’s the perfect art form for the modern attention span.

So - I continue to ask: how is it that mainstream media all-but ignore poetry? A poem comes to life when read aloud. That’s poetry’s ancient tradition. And treated right, poems don’t just ‘work’ on radio, they can rock your world. They can shine in their full power!

Yes. I am a poetry evangelist. And we’re on a mission- one fine poem at a time - to end the notion of poetry as painful. So there is nothing more satisfying than when listeners write to say how they have come to love poetry and buy books of poems because of the Road Home experience.

Fear not the ‘P’ word! And hey - if you hear something you like on The Road Home, check the play list, buy the book, read the poems. Maybe even out loud.

Spread the word that poetry lives large on The Road Home is home! Amen.

Bob Chelmick

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